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Age 18 - 35

Welcome to


After the name of the martyr saints Mar Behnam and his sister Sarah, and as per the Bible verse “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in faith and in purity”, St Behnam and Sarah Syriac Youth were launched on 10th December 2016 by the Parish Priest, Father Lenard (Youhanna) Ina, and a group of young parishioners adopting the Bible as their constitution, and within a curriculum, titled (love, grow, serve, rejoice).

St Behnam and Sarah Syriac Youth Committee consists of: 

  •      Spiritual Guide (Parish Priest)

  •      Youth Group Leaders

  •      Committee Leaders 

  •      Secretary

  •      Treasurer

First Annual Camp 2018
Vivid Sydney 2018
BonFire night 2018
Annual Camp 2019
Station of the cross
Annual Camp 2020
Table Tennis competition
Sydney Day Trip

Join Us
أنظم لنا

We are meeting twice a month

Friday evenings  from 7:00

At St. Therese's church  129 The Boulevarde, Fairfield Heights NSW 2165

Join our Committees

Spiritual committee

اللجنة الروحية

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses” Acts 1:8.

Though we are many and different, our goal is to come together as a team, united by the Holy Spirit, to witness for Christ; in our Church and the community. Since our foundation, we have been serving the Church through adoration nights, and the youth through open biblical discussions and trivia nights. We seek, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to extend our ministry to the broader community, welcoming new members and ideas. Much love from your servants at the spiritual team.

Culture committee

اللجنة الثقافية

Cultural committee is a platform for the youth to share their ideas and culture with others in the community. It aims to encourage and develop the youth’s talents through delivering their voices and talents, participating in dialogues along with respecting other's opinion and highlighting incorrect ideas and beliefs that are followed by some people and communities in order to establish a cultured community which reflects the appropriate image of the youth of the Christ.

Recreational committee

اللجنة الترفيهية

We are a small family of the big family (St Behnam and sarah Syriac youth), we met brothers in Christ to be humble,give and serve the kids,the youth and the olds. We are here for all. Our goal is to make everyone happy and draw the smile on everyone's face.

We are recreational committee, welcome.

Media committee

اللجنة الاعلامية

Are you a Photographer Digital, media or website designer ?

هل انت مصور ؟ مصمم جرافيك، فيديوهات، او مواقع انترنت ؟ 


Share your skills, be a part of the team

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